Should Teachers have social media sites?

With social media being a big part of everyone’s life; the question is should teachers have a social media site? And if they do what should or shouldn’t they have on there?

As pre-service teachers we will need to start looking at this issue, as well as making sure if we do have social media that our settings are made as private as possible. I believe that just because you are (or are studying to be) a teacher doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t have (for example) a Facebook account. I have many teacher friends; and my Fiancee is a teacher as well. Most are quite conservative about what is posted (including pictures) which is understandable.

But I wouldn’t think twice about uploading a picture of me, at the pub, having a drink. And why should I. I do not have students on my Facebook account, my settings are made private, and I’m not doing anything wrong. But I did find a post from Gillian of a teacher who should have been more careful with her social media and WAS doing something wrong.

What are your opinions on teachers who have social media site? I just like to remember that Teachers are people too…


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