Look Up!

I have thought this time and time again about the fact that part of my day consists of checking ‘social media’. There are people on Facebook that if I walked past in the street, I may not even stop and say hi to. Well then why do I have them as a ‘friend’? I do enjoy seeing peoples adventures and the networks that can be made when people are in need, but I can’t help but think, what I did before it all came along?

Sophia posted about a video Look Up, that I stopped and watched. At first I thought it would be some sort of video about power lines, lol. But the emotion I felt when I watched this video was unbelievable. It makes you realise what you could  be missing with your face in your phone or computer. I always say that when I have kids I will make sure they are outside playing like I was, I’m not now though. I am at my computer (doing uni work… but still) head in a screen.

Thanks Sophia, you have really touched me with your post. Shame I have some work to finish before I can close the screen…  

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